SGRR Adoption Contract...
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Dog’s Name:
Tag #:
______________________________ (“Adopter”) agrees that in consideration of the fee of $_______ “Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, Corp” (also known as SGRR) SGRR is allowing Adopter to adopt this dog. This fee, less $200 is refundable provided the Adopter personally returns (we do not provide transportation) the dog to SGRR within fourteen (14) days of adoption IF Adopter provides at least 48 hours notice prior to returning the dog. After 14 days the adoption fee is non-refundable and considered a donation. Should the Adopter alter the appearance of the dog in any way or return the dog in poorer health than when adopted, SGRR has the right to refuse a refund or adjust the refund accordingly. The Adopter, from the date of this contract, agrees to release and indemnify SGRR from any and all legal and financial claims, known or unknown, now or hereafter arising in connection with the animal. This dog is adopted “as is” and Adopter assumes all responsibility for treatment of any existing condition or condition which may arise. SGRR makes no warranties regarding the health, behavior/temperament, age or breed of the dog. If the dog is returned any paid and/or unpaid expenses incurred by the Adopter while in possession of the dog are not transferable to SGRR but are the sole responsibility of the Adopter.
Adopter agrees to take the animal to a licensed veterinarian within seven (7) days of receiving the dog. The Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, CORP. (SGRR) makes no representations or warranties regarding the health of the dog. ALL vet expenses incurred while dog is in Adopter’s care, shall be the sole responsibility of the Adopter.
Adopter agrees the dog is to be a family companion and shall provide the animal with a safe home; a quality diet; regular veterinary care; monthly preventatives; adequate exercise; appropriate training and attention.
The Adopter agrees to have the dog leashed AT ALL TIMES when not in a securely fenced area and shall provide a safe means of exercise and a safe area in which to relieve itself. The animal shall never be tied to a fixed object nor attached to an overhead cable “runner” or any variation of such. The Adopter shall not endanger the animal by transporting in an open vehicle or leaving a choke collar on when unattended. The Adopter shall provide a collar and identification tag for the animal to wear at all times when allowed to go outdoors.
If, for any reason, the Adopter cannot keep the dog, the Adopter shall return it to SGRR. The animal shall not be given away, sold or exchanged without the prior written consent of SGRR. In the event of the Adopter’s death, the dog must be returned to SGRR or be placed in an SGRR approved home.
Dogs placed through SGRR will reside in the house, at the Adopter’s address. The dog shall not be kept in the garage or in the basement exclusively. The use of any outside enclosure to house animals placed through SGRR is forbidden. In no event will dogs placed by SGRR be left outside while Adopter is not at home.
In the case of a dog under 6 months, the Adopter agrees to have the dog spayed or neutered within 1 month of the dog turning 6 months old. The Adopter agrees to send proof of this to SGRR. SGRR reserves the right to contact the Adopter’s veterinarian for confirmation.
I/we, the Adopter(s) acknowledge having read and agree to abide by each of the rules for adoption set forth herein. The undersigned Adopter affirms he or she has read and understands all of the terms and conditions stated herein. Adopter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SGRR - Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, Corp from any and all damages suffered by Adopter and any third party resulting from the adoption of this pet. SGRR retains superior title to this pet, limited to and for the express purpose of assuring the pet’s well being. If Adopter breaches any part of this agreement, SGRR reserves the right to immediately take possession of the pet and Adopter agrees to immediately surrender the pet without need for legal action by SGRR. In the event SGRR must take legal action related to this agreement, Adopter agrees to pay all attorneys’ fees and expenses.
Adopter Signature________________________ Date______________________
Printed Name ___________________ Phone #: __________________
Address: ______________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Email: ______________________
SGRR Representative Signature_____________ Date_______
SGRR Representative Printed Name __________________
Please make check payable to “Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue”
Mail signed contract and check to:
PO Box 403, Fairhope, AL 36533
Thank you for choosing rescue!
Adoption Fee $________ Additional Donation $_________ Total $_________
☐Check #_______ ☐Cash ☐Money Order ☐PAYPAL-receipt #__________
Tag #:
______________________________ (“Adopter”) agrees that in consideration of the fee of $_______ “Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, Corp” (also known as SGRR) SGRR is allowing Adopter to adopt this dog. This fee, less $200 is refundable provided the Adopter personally returns (we do not provide transportation) the dog to SGRR within fourteen (14) days of adoption IF Adopter provides at least 48 hours notice prior to returning the dog. After 14 days the adoption fee is non-refundable and considered a donation. Should the Adopter alter the appearance of the dog in any way or return the dog in poorer health than when adopted, SGRR has the right to refuse a refund or adjust the refund accordingly. The Adopter, from the date of this contract, agrees to release and indemnify SGRR from any and all legal and financial claims, known or unknown, now or hereafter arising in connection with the animal. This dog is adopted “as is” and Adopter assumes all responsibility for treatment of any existing condition or condition which may arise. SGRR makes no warranties regarding the health, behavior/temperament, age or breed of the dog. If the dog is returned any paid and/or unpaid expenses incurred by the Adopter while in possession of the dog are not transferable to SGRR but are the sole responsibility of the Adopter.
Adopter agrees to take the animal to a licensed veterinarian within seven (7) days of receiving the dog. The Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, CORP. (SGRR) makes no representations or warranties regarding the health of the dog. ALL vet expenses incurred while dog is in Adopter’s care, shall be the sole responsibility of the Adopter.
Adopter agrees the dog is to be a family companion and shall provide the animal with a safe home; a quality diet; regular veterinary care; monthly preventatives; adequate exercise; appropriate training and attention.
The Adopter agrees to have the dog leashed AT ALL TIMES when not in a securely fenced area and shall provide a safe means of exercise and a safe area in which to relieve itself. The animal shall never be tied to a fixed object nor attached to an overhead cable “runner” or any variation of such. The Adopter shall not endanger the animal by transporting in an open vehicle or leaving a choke collar on when unattended. The Adopter shall provide a collar and identification tag for the animal to wear at all times when allowed to go outdoors.
If, for any reason, the Adopter cannot keep the dog, the Adopter shall return it to SGRR. The animal shall not be given away, sold or exchanged without the prior written consent of SGRR. In the event of the Adopter’s death, the dog must be returned to SGRR or be placed in an SGRR approved home.
Dogs placed through SGRR will reside in the house, at the Adopter’s address. The dog shall not be kept in the garage or in the basement exclusively. The use of any outside enclosure to house animals placed through SGRR is forbidden. In no event will dogs placed by SGRR be left outside while Adopter is not at home.
In the case of a dog under 6 months, the Adopter agrees to have the dog spayed or neutered within 1 month of the dog turning 6 months old. The Adopter agrees to send proof of this to SGRR. SGRR reserves the right to contact the Adopter’s veterinarian for confirmation.
I/we, the Adopter(s) acknowledge having read and agree to abide by each of the rules for adoption set forth herein. The undersigned Adopter affirms he or she has read and understands all of the terms and conditions stated herein. Adopter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SGRR - Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, Corp from any and all damages suffered by Adopter and any third party resulting from the adoption of this pet. SGRR retains superior title to this pet, limited to and for the express purpose of assuring the pet’s well being. If Adopter breaches any part of this agreement, SGRR reserves the right to immediately take possession of the pet and Adopter agrees to immediately surrender the pet without need for legal action by SGRR. In the event SGRR must take legal action related to this agreement, Adopter agrees to pay all attorneys’ fees and expenses.
Adopter Signature________________________ Date______________________
Printed Name ___________________ Phone #: __________________
Address: ______________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________
Email: ______________________
SGRR Representative Signature_____________ Date_______
SGRR Representative Printed Name __________________
Please make check payable to “Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue”
Mail signed contract and check to:
PO Box 403, Fairhope, AL 36533
Thank you for choosing rescue!
Adoption Fee $________ Additional Donation $_________ Total $_________
☐Check #_______ ☐Cash ☐Money Order ☐PAYPAL-receipt #__________