Caleb - Adoption Pending!

Update from Caleb's Foster Family: Caleb is doing well in his new foster home in New England. They tell us Caleb is shy and trying to figure out how to be a happy dog like the foster family’s bigger dog. He follows the big dog around and reaches for pets when the big dog does. Caleb does little happy prances when we walk in the snow in the woods and likes to be at the back of the line so he can keep track of everyone. He looks like he has Golden Retriever and Corgi in him, but in the snow he looks like an Arctic fox!
Caleb likes to sit in a bed where he can see everyone, but tucked away, or under the desk while I am working. His eye contact is wonderful; he looks right into your eyes to figure out what is happening. He has been a perfect house guest, respectful of the cats, has had no accidents, and is learning how to go up and down stairs. We are able to bathe him and put “Mushers Secret” on his paws. We think he would do well in an adult home, with a calm atmosphere, lots of walks, and a happy, calm dog to mentor him. Check out Caleb's video link.
Caleb's Backstory: "Well, hello, everyone... My name is Caleb and I beg your forgiveness if I am talking in a quiet voice, but I am a bit shy. Come a little closer and I will tell you all I know about myself. We dogs are so puzzled about how this “stray” thing happens. One day we’re someone’s pet and next thing you know, we’re alone and scared. I somehow wound up in the Dixon Correctional Institute. Oh, I didn’t do anything wrong to be incarcerated but was taken into their rehabilitation program, kind of like you see on the TV show Pitbulls and Parolees. While I was given food and shelter in this program, not much was done to help me feel comfortable in my own fur. But thankfully, they called SGRR to rescue me!”
“I hear people say that I am very handsome, a real looker, and very sweet – I think these are all good things! Right? The rescue people think I am a Golden Retriever mixed with something cute and pocket-sized, since I am on the smaller side at about 30 pounds. My eyes are a warm brown and I heard this nice lady say that their sweetness melts her heart.
“When I meet you, I am shy at first, but I am so ready to fall in love again and I hope to find an owner who will love me for who I am. I am in a wonderful foster home now and the more I get to know my humans, the more comfortable I become around them. I cherish their affection and their kindness, and I love how they speak to me with gentle tones. I like the company of calmer dogs. I walk pretty nicely on a leash and have a moderate energy level. A quiet adult-only home, with kind, patient, and soft-spoken humans, who are home more often than not, would be ideal for me. I would relish a home where I can be spoiled, kissed, and loved. But please know, I will need time to adjust and unpack my bags. In return, I promise to be your best friend, forever!"
Well, thank you for sharing your story with us, Caleb! We are delighted to have you with us and you will learn all about kindness in your southern foster home with Cheryl & Paul. They tell us that Caleb is slowly becoming more comfortable with them and with being in a home environment. Caleb now allows Paul to pick him up and will also stay on the couch with them for a while now, whereas a week or so ago, he would only stay up for a few minutes. Caleb doesn’t mind having a leash on him, but it does not seem like walks have been part of his previous life experience. He eats pretty well and will do so now with his foster parents in the room. Cheryl tells us that when she gets up in the morning, she finds that Caleb’s toys have been moved about the room – oh to be a fly on the wall when all is quiet and Caleb ventures to play with his toys. He is taking baby steps but is certainly moving forward!
Caleb is estimated to be about 5 years old and has the adorable look of a perpetual puppy. He has been neutered, vaccinated, and micro-chipped. Since he tested positive for heartworm he has been under treatment and is almost ready for his forever home. He has been given a Proheart 6 injection for heartworm prevention so Caleb will not need any additional HW preventatives for 6 months.
If you are approved to adopt through SGRR, have a quiet adult-only home, a fenced yard, a calm resident dog, and your specialty is TLC, please contact Cheryl to be considered to adopt Caleb. If not yet approved, please fill out an application.
Rescued dogs come with a range of needs - from behavioral to emotional to medical. When approved applicants adopt such dogs, they agree to take on whatever comes with the dog. It is up to YOU to continue the rehabilitation we have begun. This is what it means to rescue.
Caleb likes to sit in a bed where he can see everyone, but tucked away, or under the desk while I am working. His eye contact is wonderful; he looks right into your eyes to figure out what is happening. He has been a perfect house guest, respectful of the cats, has had no accidents, and is learning how to go up and down stairs. We are able to bathe him and put “Mushers Secret” on his paws. We think he would do well in an adult home, with a calm atmosphere, lots of walks, and a happy, calm dog to mentor him. Check out Caleb's video link.
Caleb's Backstory: "Well, hello, everyone... My name is Caleb and I beg your forgiveness if I am talking in a quiet voice, but I am a bit shy. Come a little closer and I will tell you all I know about myself. We dogs are so puzzled about how this “stray” thing happens. One day we’re someone’s pet and next thing you know, we’re alone and scared. I somehow wound up in the Dixon Correctional Institute. Oh, I didn’t do anything wrong to be incarcerated but was taken into their rehabilitation program, kind of like you see on the TV show Pitbulls and Parolees. While I was given food and shelter in this program, not much was done to help me feel comfortable in my own fur. But thankfully, they called SGRR to rescue me!”
“I hear people say that I am very handsome, a real looker, and very sweet – I think these are all good things! Right? The rescue people think I am a Golden Retriever mixed with something cute and pocket-sized, since I am on the smaller side at about 30 pounds. My eyes are a warm brown and I heard this nice lady say that their sweetness melts her heart.
“When I meet you, I am shy at first, but I am so ready to fall in love again and I hope to find an owner who will love me for who I am. I am in a wonderful foster home now and the more I get to know my humans, the more comfortable I become around them. I cherish their affection and their kindness, and I love how they speak to me with gentle tones. I like the company of calmer dogs. I walk pretty nicely on a leash and have a moderate energy level. A quiet adult-only home, with kind, patient, and soft-spoken humans, who are home more often than not, would be ideal for me. I would relish a home where I can be spoiled, kissed, and loved. But please know, I will need time to adjust and unpack my bags. In return, I promise to be your best friend, forever!"
Well, thank you for sharing your story with us, Caleb! We are delighted to have you with us and you will learn all about kindness in your southern foster home with Cheryl & Paul. They tell us that Caleb is slowly becoming more comfortable with them and with being in a home environment. Caleb now allows Paul to pick him up and will also stay on the couch with them for a while now, whereas a week or so ago, he would only stay up for a few minutes. Caleb doesn’t mind having a leash on him, but it does not seem like walks have been part of his previous life experience. He eats pretty well and will do so now with his foster parents in the room. Cheryl tells us that when she gets up in the morning, she finds that Caleb’s toys have been moved about the room – oh to be a fly on the wall when all is quiet and Caleb ventures to play with his toys. He is taking baby steps but is certainly moving forward!
Caleb is estimated to be about 5 years old and has the adorable look of a perpetual puppy. He has been neutered, vaccinated, and micro-chipped. Since he tested positive for heartworm he has been under treatment and is almost ready for his forever home. He has been given a Proheart 6 injection for heartworm prevention so Caleb will not need any additional HW preventatives for 6 months.
If you are approved to adopt through SGRR, have a quiet adult-only home, a fenced yard, a calm resident dog, and your specialty is TLC, please contact Cheryl to be considered to adopt Caleb. If not yet approved, please fill out an application.
Rescued dogs come with a range of needs - from behavioral to emotional to medical. When approved applicants adopt such dogs, they agree to take on whatever comes with the dog. It is up to YOU to continue the rehabilitation we have begun. This is what it means to rescue.